The best Super Bowl ad of 2022

In my mind, the undisputed winner of the Super Bowl ad war is Squarespace. Even if you’ve already seen it yet, click here to watch.

Yes, I am a Squarespace customer but I have no financial incentive to promote them. I simply think there’s a lot to learn from this excellent commercial. 

Here are the reasons this ad is a cut above the rest:

  1. Emotional Messaging- By using a new take on the old tongue-twister “Sally sold seashells by the seashore”, this takes many of us back to childhood. Nostalgia is a powerful tool as it draws on our deepest memories from the past. The ad also focuses on the freedom that entrepreneurship can bring. 

  2. Literary Styling- This ad uses alliteration brilliantly. This is the occurrence of the same sound or letter at the beginning of closely connected words. When used properly, writing with a specific device such as alliteration or rhyming draws people in.

  3. Brand Alignment- Squarespace has money to spend. They paid for a massive celebrity cameo, beautiful visual branding, and Super Bowl airtime. But unlike other commercials, this doesn’t rely on the celebrity’s charisma or irrelevant silly humor. Their core audience is business owners so they spent the airtime telling an entrepreneurial tale. This ad could have starred a no-name, looked less perfect, and still have worked.

Here are the takeaways:

If your brand is all head and no heart, be like Sally. 

If your messaging is drab, be like Sally. 

If you’re using shock value or silly branding, be like Sally. 

Your brand needs a consistent message to connect with your ideal client. Download my free workbook to understand how to write better sales copy for your business. 

Nate Cronk