Wanna Go Out? Circle "Y" or "N."

You remember those moments in middle school, don’t you? Sweaty palms and heart palpitations. 

Your first crush might be a success story or a failure. For me, it was a huge flop. Want to know why?…

…I didn’t ask her out! I had no idea how to make a move. 

It’s the same in your business- You know what your ideal client is struggling with and how you can solve their problem. 

So, how do they buy it? Have you asked them?

The question is not as dumb as it sounds. 

In fact, let’s test this out together by doing a quick exercise. Grab a paper and pen or start a note on your phone. Let’s go through steps 1-4 together:

  1. First, open a web browser. Search your industry and scroll the search engine until you find a site you’re unfamiliar with.

    For future reference, write down the URL of the site. 

  2. Navigate to the sales or offer page.

    What are they selling? Be specific!

  3. How do you buy it or get more info? If there is a button to “buy” go through the purchase process all the way without actually buying. 

    How many clicks did it take to purchase or inquire?

    If there is no button to “buy” or “purchase” (which is common in service industries), how is the sales process explained? Is there another clear step to start the relationship?

  4. What could have made it easier to buy from that person or business?

In sales and marketing, there needs to be a clear Call-To-Action or CTA. If you’ve never been a salesperson before, this can feel awkward. 

You might be able to relate to their struggles and talk about your business with passion. Then, the moment comes when you need to ask for money and you freeze up. 

As an experienced salesperson, I can assure you that you’re not alone. This is often the hardest part of an in-person sale or writing a sales page. But let me clear: THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR SALES PAGE! 

On your sales page, you should give your client at least two distinct places to buy or take the next step in the relationship. If you sell physical products, you need to ensure your copy and design highlight “BUY NOW” or something of the sort. 

If you sell services or coaching, you may want to qualify leads before you work with them. Perhaps your CTA is a lead form with a free download (like mine). In this case, you still want to set the expectations for what the process is like. 

People want and expect to buy. Think about the last large purchase you made. Sure, you may have been nervous but weren’t you excited? 

Your ideal client wants to buy from you- make it simple and fun for them to do so. 

